Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Cara Membuat Kolom Komentar Facebook di Blogger

Selain menggunakan kolom komentar bawaan blogger, sobat dapat membuat kolom komentar facebook di blog sobat. Apa keunggulannya? Pastinya lebih mudah digunakan dan dapat meningkatkan traffic blog sobat. Kok bisa? Karena setiap komentar akan muncul di profil orang yang berkomentar itu. Langsung saja ke cara membuatnya.
1. Login facebook terlebih dahulu, lalu klik disini.
2. Klik buat aplikasi baru.

3. Akan muncul jendela seperti ini.

Nama Aplikasi: Isi dengan nama aplikasi anda. Tidak berpengaruh pada saat sobat hendak membuat kolom komentar facebook.
App Namespace: Ini digunakan sebagai alamat space dari aplikasi anda yaitu http://app.facebook.com/appnamespace
App Category: Isi terserah, tidak berpengaruh.
Web Hosting: Tidak perlu dicentang.
Lalu klik lanjutkan.
4. Pemeriksaan Keamanan. Silahkan masukkan kode captchanya.
5. Isi site url di pengaturan dasar Masuk Log Facebook >> Site URL dengan alamat blog sobat.

6. Simpan kode App ID, ini akan digunakan pada langkah berikutnya.

7. Klik simpan perubahan.
8. Buka akun blogger Anda, pilih menu Template >> Edit HTML.
9. Cari kode <b:skin><![CDATA[ lalu copy paste kode dibawah ini sebelum <b:skin><![CDATA[

<meta content='ID facebook Anda' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='App ID Anda' property='fb:app_id'/>
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js'/>
<script src='http://panduan-template-blog-id.googlecode.com/files/CommentPages.js'/>
<script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/>

Ganti ID facebook Anda dengan alamat profil facebook Anda, misal http://www.facebook.com/UzumakiNugrohoSatriyanto maka Anda tulis UzumakiNugrohoSatriyanto.
Ganti App ID Anda dengan App ID di langkah ke 6.
10. Cari kode <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'><span class='post-location'>, letakkan kode di bawah tepat di bawahnya.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='fb-comments' data-num-posts='10' data-width='550' expr:data-href='data:post.url'/>

Ganti angka 10 dengan jumlah komentar maksimal yang ditampilkan di setiap posting.
11. Simpan template blog Anda.

Kolom komentar di blog sobat akan ada 2, satu bawaan google dan satunya kolom komentar facebook. Jika sobat ingin menyembunyikan kolom komentar bawaan, pilih menu Setelan>>Pos dan komentar. Pada lokasi komentar, pilih sembunyikan.

Sumber: http://panduantemplateblog.blogspot.com/2013/02/cara-membuat-kolom-komentar-facebook-di.html

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Selamat Hari Kartini!

Ibu Kita Kartini
Karangan / Ciptaan : W.R. Supratman
Ibu kita Kartini
Putri sejati
Putri Indonesia
Harum namanya

Ibu kita Kartini
Pendekar bangsa
Pendekar kaumnya
Untuk merdeka

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Putri jauhari
Putri yang berjasa
Se Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang suci
Putri yang merdeka

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Pendekar bangsa
Pendeka kaum ibu

Ibu kita Kartini
Penyuluh budi
Penyuluh bangsanya
Karena cintanya

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia


Cara Membuat Fixed Floating Image

Mina-san, Konnichiwa!

Kalian tau fixed floating image? Kalau belum ane kasih tau apa itu fixed floating image, kalian tau gambar perempuan yang di pojok kanan bawah? Itu yang disebut fixed floating image.

Nah, kalau kalian penasaran bagaimana membuatnya, begini caranya:

  • Buka HTML blog, caranya buka desain di dashboard blog lalu klik edit HTML.
  • Di HTML, cari kode (gunakan ctrl+f untuk memudahkan):
  • Copy dan paste kode berikut diatas/sebelum ]]></b:skin>:
#float_corner {
inherit;_top:expression(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight);_left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth);}
Kalian bisa mengganti kode bottom;left untuk mengganti posisi gambar dengan kode-kode berikut:

top left
top right
bottom left
bottom right

  • Cari kode berikut di HTML:
  • Copy dan paste kode berikut diatas/sebelum </body>
<div id="float_corner">
<a href="Masukkan URL target">
<img src="Masukkan URL gambar" border="0" /></a>

 Penting! Kalian harus mengganti:

Masukkan URL target : Ganti dengan URL yang akan dikunjungi jika gambar di klik, contoh:

Masukkan URL gambar : Masukkan URL gambar yang akan digunakan, contoh:

catatan : Sebaiknya menggunakan gambar berformat .png

Menambahkan gambar lainnya

Jika ingin menambah gambar lainnya, kalian harus menentukan sudut lainnya untuk gambar baru, lalu ada beberapa perubahan di kodenya. Di tahap 3 dan 5 ganti float_corner menjadi float_corner1 untuk gambar ke dua kau bisa menggunakan float_corner2 dan selanjutnya. Untuk lebih detilnya, tunggu artikel selanjutnya.

Ja, Mata ne.


Kamis, 18 April 2013

9 Miliar manusia akan huni Bumi pada 2050

WOW- Pada tahun 2050,dunia khususnya Bumi kita tercinta akan memiliki populasi sebanyak sembilan miliar manusia. Menurut penelitian terakhir, populasi manusia di seluruh dunia mencapai 7 miliar. Itu artinya akan ada tambahan dua miliar lagi manusia.  Padahal 2 miliar manusia adalah jumlah manusia di seluruh planet Bumi pada tahun 1950.

David Bloom, profesor ekonomi dan demografi dari Harvard University menyebutkan, peningkatan jumlah manusia ini akan menghadirkan pergolakan demografi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.

Dalam laporannya yang dipublikasikan di jurnal Science, Bloom menyebutkan, pada tahun 2050, hampir seluruh dari 2 miliar manusia baru itu akan tinggal di kawasan yang kurang berkembang. Dan hampir separuhnya tinggal di Afrika.

Sebaliknya, sebut Bloom, populasi manusia di negara maju akan tetap bahkan usianya akan menua, dengan manusia dewasa berusia produktif yang semakin berkurang untuk mendukung penghidupan para pensiunan.

“Meski masalah yang dihadapi negara berkembang berbeda dengan masalah yang dihadapi negara kaya, akan tetapi di era globalisasi, tantangan demografi di manapun merupakan tantangan bagi negara manapun di dunia,” ucap Bloom, seperti dikutip dari UPI, 29 Juli 2011.

Di sepanjang sejarah manusia sendiri, populasi dunia umumnya tumbuh lambat. Sebagai gambaran, di tahun 1850, jumlah manusia baru ada 1 miliar orang. Namun demikian, dalam separuh abad terakhir, populasi telah melonjak dari 3 miliar menjadi 7 miliar.

“Gambaran demografi memang kompleks dan menimbulkan beberapa tantangan berat,” kata Bloom. “Hanya diam dan tidak melakukan apa-apa di saat manusia menghadapi bahaya dari perubahan demografis merupakan tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab,” ucapnya.


Wakil Bupati Purworejo Resmikan KSBM Senilai Rp 436 Juta

PURWOREJO, Wakil Bupati Purworejo, Suhar, meresmikan kegiatan Keserasian Sosial Berbasis Masyarakat (KSBM) Tahun 2012, yang dipusatkan di Desa Gebang Kecamatan Gebang, Selasa (16/4). Kegiatan KSBM yang berasal dari Kementerian Sosial RI itu bernilai Rp 436 juta, yang diterimakan untuk empat desa/kelurahan yaitu Desa Gebang, Desa Bulus, Desa Benowo dan Kelurahan Keseneng.

Wakil Bupati mengungkapkan pihaknya merasa bersyukur karena Kabupaten Purworejo tak henti-hentinya menerima kucuran bantuan dari Pemerintah Pusat, dalam berbagai bentuk program dan kegiatan. Salah satunya bantuan dari Kementerian Sosial RI melalui Program Keserasian Sosial Berbasis Masyarakat.

Menurutnya, kegiatan keserasian sosial berbasis masyarakat merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang diselenggarakan untuk membantu meredam potensi bencana sosial di masyarakat. Pasalnya kegiatan ini memberikan peluang besar kepada masyarakat untuk melaksanakan perannya sebagai perencana, pelaksana dan pengendali kegiatan secara mandiri.

Program ini bertujuan menumbuhkan semangat kebersamaan, persaudaraan sejati, senasib sepenanggungan dan kesetiakawanan sosial dalam masyarakat. Keserasian sosial merupakan bentuk implementasi dari pemikiran bahwa nilai-nilai luhur atau nilai–nilai kebersamaan akan berkembang kembali, jika ada upaya untuk membaurkan masyarakat secara sosial budaya berbeda dalam suatu kebersamaan yang direncanakan.

“Oleh karena itu, saya juga berharap kepada seluruh desa yang menerima bantuan ini, agar terus berupaya menumbuhkan semangat membangun, semangat gotong royong agar cita-cita pembangunan di desanya dapat terwujud dengan baik. Mari kita pupuk semangat kebersamaan antarwarga, perkuat kerukunan, perkokoh persatuan dan kesatuan,” harapnya.

Sumber : PurworejoNews

Selasa, 16 April 2013

My Beloved Soldier

I’m a woman. 3 months ago I graduated from a senior high school in Surabaya and a few hours ago I’m 18 years old. I did not include a rich woman. I stayed with my mother in the old white house. my house is located in the center of the city. I was surprised how the old house is located in the center of the city. My mother was a very devout religion. Every day he followed the lectures regularly at a mosque near our old house. My father was an office worker whose salary was not enough to fulfill my and my mother needs for a month.
One afternoon when I was 16 years old, it was my mother and father's wedding day are to 33, my father drove his favorite motorcycle to came back home. In his pocket he had prepared a gold locket for gift. In this locket is wrote one sentence, “first, I was asking you to marry with the word Bismillah, after 33 years I was still on the original destination.” He took the locket in his pocket and he smiled. suddenly a truck from the opposite direction hit my father and he died in the incident. Me and my mom got shocked and fell. But we knew that our attitude never made my father came back. So, slowly we rised.
Surprisingly, before his departure, my father wrote a testament that was unexpected. He left the sum of 3 billion, a luxury car and a job for my mom. I never thought my father could raise that much money in his life. I never thought that my father could raise that much money in his life. happily, head of the company gave job for my mother because my father was his good friend. And I also never thought that my father asked me to marry at the age of 18.
I sat on an old swing behind the house, slowly I moved swing. I glued to my musings. Suddenly, a woman who was no longer young came up to me with a face that never glum,
“Hi my daughter! Why are you sad? ", She asked.
"No mom, I'm not sad.", I said lying.
"Never lie to your mother, my daughter, since in the womb you're with me. You could not lie to me.”, said mom.
"Mom .. I'm 18 years old, and do you remember about a testament from Dad, Mom? I'm not ready to get married. I was still 18 years old, I still want to play with friends, working, looking for who I am. " I said with hesitation.
"I know  definitely you are not ready to marry. Dad’s decision is very hurry. I do not force you to get married in a hurry. Whatever you say, dear. "
In my birthday, I felt the indecision and sadness because of a testament
"Dad ...", I said to myself.
After sitting on the old swing, I came out of my reverie, I decided to go around the city of Surabaya. Surabaya city is beautiful, but not as beautiful as my heart today. I arrived in the main square of Surabaya is very broad. I saw all the stout body, hair cropped short, broad chest, tall stature was running around the square in Surabaya, considering it's still early days. Suddenly one of the soldiers hit me,
“Astaghfirullaah..”, I said.
"Ehh .. sorry I did not intentionally, I'm sorry. You all right? ", He said proudly as he helped me up.
"I'm okay.", I replied.
"Your hands are bloody, treat first.", he answered.
"No, thanks.", I said.
I immediately walked away. Her beautiful eyes made me unable to look long time. Her hands are soft. He was a good man. Instantly woe lost because the meeting. After walking around, I decided to go home.
The next day my mother told me to buy a Martabak near the market. It was on Friday around 12.30. The Muslim have just completed the ritual prayers Friday. When I walked to go home, I saw a familiar figure. He walked proudly and weared a prayer rug and  a black cap. Without realizing that I had seen for so long, so she saw me. Before I could escape he greeted me,
"Hi ..", greeted him.
"Eh .. Hai .. ", I replied.
"You are a woman who yesterday right? sorry about yesterday. "
"Yeah, it's okay, do not be discussed."
“hahaha , yeaah, no problem, anyway, where are you from?”
"I just bought martabak  for my mother in Mak Ndut’s stall.”
You also often buy there? Mak Ndut is my subscribe but why we never met before? Hmm.. "
Realy? Mak Ndut is also my subscribe.
"Anyway what's your name? From yesterday I did not ask your name. "
"My name is Bunga. You? "
"I am Setiana. Just call Tian.”
After a long conversation, we parted in front of my house. His house is located behind my house. Now I mostly met and talked with him and one day I decided to marry with Tian.
The wedding was going very smooth and happy. That day I promised to be faithful to the  Tian, My husband. I also prayed that we would get  lasting and fun marriage. Now, my father’s request had granted. I was relieved and happy.
After the wedding, I followed Tian to go the official army. We stayed at there. I love to live with my husband. Before marriage I did not know much about Tian and along a time I knew him well. He was kind, friendly, loyal, compassionate, and responsible. He never forgot remind me to pray. He was a good priest to me. He was also responsibility and discipline soldier. He did his work with patience and sincerity. I'm so lucky to be his wife.
In one day, Papua disintegrated. all television stations broadcasted the news of Papua. Disputes occured everywhere, many people died, and the damage occurred everywhere.
when I was eating with Tian, came a white letter. He opened and read it slowly. The letter contained about Tian’s assignment. He is asked  to go to Papua. He would to kept Papua. My heart was crushed. I did not know why I was so sad because hear the news. I could not imagine I was in Surabaya while my husband  in Papua. I'd love to ban Tian to go to Papua. But that was impossible,  it was his job.
The night before  Tian went to Papua, I could not sleep. I thought  Tian. Worried struck my soul. I did not want things that I did not want to happen in the  Tian. Throughout the night and even then I cried.
Early in the morning at around 5:30 a.m Tian was ready to go Papua. It made me even more sad and hurt.
" Tian, do not go."
"I’m still go. it's my job to be soldier . Do not worry, Dear. I'm fine there. Hopefully every night I'll call you. "
Finally Tian went to Papua. to got rid of loneliness, I returned to my mother's house. I told her about my fear of losing Tian. The day continued, every night Tian always called me.
In the evening, heavy rain with wind swept Surabaya. It's about 2 hours I waited for a call from Tian. But he did not call. She was very afraid.
Kriing.. Kring…
“Halloo, assalamualaikum.”, greeted me.
“waalaikumsalam.. Can I speak to Mrs. Bunga?”
“Yes, This is me. sorry who is talking to me?”
“iam from papua, Mrs Bunga. I want to let know that Tian had just been shot by other soldier. “
“What? Impossible!! My husband is okay?.. How is he? where is he now?”
“Now he is in hospital and is unconscious. You do not worry we will try to keep it well.”
“I will go to Papua….”
“No!! when he arrived in Papua he told me that if he was ill you should not come to Papua. You should be at home. he did not want to make your trouble.”
So, I was cried and cried. I thought about it all night. I could not sleep.
 "How can I sleep? When I do not know your situation there.", I said to myself.
around 2:30 am I still could not sleep. suddenly someone knocked on my door. Slowly I opened my door. Unexpectedly, I knew him. He was my husband. Tian. I hugged her tightly. I saw the wound in his head. Surely it was the former shot. I cried to see it. Sadness, fear, longing, and happy because he could go home.
“Assalamualaikum, my wife! I love you my Dear.”, my husband said.
“Waalaikumsalam my dear. I love you too. I miss you so bad my husband. How you come back? You’re naughty! You’re sick. You may not go far!”, I said.
“Do not you remember? This first day of our wedding. I can not afford to miss. I think I can give you a surprise tonight. but the plan fails when I left for the airport. I was shot by a man who I did not know. and when I realize I ask permission to go to Surabaya. And finally I'm here...”
“Ohh.. my dear. Thank you. I love you.”
I hugged him again. I’m so happy because I met him a years ago. I promised to my self I never left him and never let you go. Because I love him very much.


Tak Menggantikan, Bukan Berarti Tak Mengindahkan

Langit itu terbalut kapas hitam, menculik sang Mentari untuk tak tetap tinggal

Hujan itu turun, membasahi pakaian-pakaian sang Bumi yang dikenakan

Sekejap petir itu bermusuhan, beradu suara untuk memenangkan pertarungan

Kini, suasana mencekam menjadi panganan sehari-hari

Tak ada yang mau menolong sang Mentari untuk tetap tinggal

Tak ada yang mau memayungi sang Bumi

Juga, permusuhan petir itupun semakin memanas tanpa ada yang mau melerai

Seluruh populasi berduyun-duyun ke kandang nyaman mereka
Tanpa meninggalkan seiris rasa yang menoreh kebaikan

Tapi lelaki itu berbeda
Lelaki itu tak sama
Tak pernah sedikitpun ia egois
Tak pernah sedikitpun ia menang sendiri
Dia sangat tegar

Hujan, badai, dia tempuh dengan dada yang lapang
Seluruh raga sepaket dengan jiwa ia taruhkan untuk bekerja keras
Sebutir nasi dia cari dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain
Sekrincing uang dia kumpulkan untuk sekolahku, untukku

Aku tumbuh di lingkungan yang ekstrem seperti saat masa paleolithikum
Tanpa pernah mengenal ibu
Tanpa mengetahui anggunnya wajah ibu yang tersenyum
Tanpa belajar mencintai dengan kelembutan
Namun bersama ayah aku berusaha mengarungi hidup ini
Belajar mencintai dengan kebijaksanaan

Tak pernah bisa di animasikan, bagaimana aku dapat bertahan hidup
Bagaimana aku dapat berlindung dari hiruk pikuk pasar bebas di Bumi ini
Tanpanya, tanpa lelaki itu

Aku tak pernah tahu tentang kelembutan
Aku tak pernah tahu tentang keanggunan
Aku tak pernah tahu bagaimana berdandan
Dan aku tak mengenal sosok ibuku yang ku cintai itu

NamunAku tahu ketegasan
Aku tahu perjuangan di arena luar
Aku tahu bagaimana aku kokoh saat digoyak-goyakkan
Aku mengenal ayah, sebagai guruku menantang dunia luar
Ibu tak tergantikan oleh ayah, Namun ayah dapat mengindahkan sesuatu yang tak tergantikan itu


Jumat, 12 April 2013

Pria Akan Punah, Prediksi Para Ilmuwan

Persaingan antara pria dan wanita tidak hanya terjadi di bidang pendidikan, sosial dan pekerjaan. Jauh di dalam tubuh kita, ada bagian terkecil yang disebut kromosom sedang bersaing agar manusia tidak punah. Dari kromosom yang berbeda antara pria dan wanita itu, seorang ilmuwan memprediksi bahwa wanitalah yang akan menang, para pria sedang dalam proses kepunahan.
Kepunahan Pria Dimulai Dari Sekarang
Seorang ilmuwan paling berpengaruh di Australia, Professor Jenny Graves percaya bahwa wanita yang akan memenangkan pertempuran jenis kelamin, dilansir Dailymail. Seperti yang kita ketahui, wanita membawa dua kromosom x, sedangkan pria membawa satu kromosom x dan satu kromosom y.
Professor Jenny Graves mengatakan bahwa kromosom y pria memiliki struktur yang lebih rapuh, terlebih lagi mereka hanya punya satu kromosom x. Sementara itu, perempuan yang memiliki 2 kromosom x dengan sendirinya dapat saling memperbaiki gen.
"Ini adalah kabar buruk bagi semua pria di sini," ujarnya saat memberi kuliah publik. Professor Jenny Graves memprediksi bahwa pria akan benar-benar punah dalam waktu 5 juta tahun ke depan. Tapi seorang ilmuwan lain mengatakan bahwa sebaiknya kita tidak panik sekalipun jika prediksi itu benar.
Profesor Chris Mason, dari University College London mengatakan kalaupun kromosom y manusia akan runtuh, dunia kedokteran punya banyak waktu untuk menciptakan temuan baru, sehingga pria dan wanita tetap ada dan tidak mengalami kepunahan.
cr: Vemale.com

Jumat, 05 April 2013


-Kasih Ibu-
9 bulan lamanya
Aku hanya lemah tak berdaya
Di dalam rahimmu
Menanti aku melihat dunia
Aku makan melalui plasenta
Aku makan apa yang seharusnya kau makan
Kau rela berbagi makan denganku
Kau rela menjagaku walau terasa berat bagimu
Saat aku lahir ke dunia
Kau pertaruhkan seluruh jiwa ragamu
Kau menyambutku dengan senyum bahagia
Kau bagi seluruh cinta kasihmu untukku
Kasih sayangmu bahkan lebih dalam dari laut abisal sekalipun
Apapun engkau disebut..
Cintamu tetap bagai bilangan berapapun dibagi nol
Yang tak terdefinisi
Kasihmu bagai tan 90
Yang tak terbatas
Sayangmu bagai bangun lingkaran
Yang tak berujung
Kau sayangi kami dengan setulus hati
Walau kami selalu nakal dan tak menurutimu
Kau sabar mengajari kami
Segala hal yang berguna nanti
Kau selalu menyertaiku setiap waktu
Kau mahluk kosmpolit yang selalu ada untukku
Yang tak kenal lelah dan pamrih
Mungkin aku hanya parasit obligat untukmu
Aku hanya bisa merengek kepadamu
Aku hanya menyusahkanmu
Aku tak bisa membantumu
Maafkan aku yang tak berguna ini ibu
Aku akan selalu berusaha membahagiakanmu


Today was really sunny, sunshine through Yura’s  windows cracks that woke Yura up from Yura’s long sleep. Today was better than yesterday. Yesterday, Yura’s body helpless and unable to wake up, but now it more refreshed.
Knock.. knock... knock, someone knock Yura’s room.
“Who is it?” said Yura
“It’s me, Daniel. Do you feel better already?” said Daniel as he opened the door and entered Yura’s room.
“ Yeah, I think I've been able to go back to school today and I don’t want to be sick anymore.” said Yura smiled.
“ Good. I'm very anxious to see your situation yesterday. If you're feeling better, hurry up get ready for school.” said Daniel.
Yura smiled at her brother.  Daniel, he is the only one of Yura’s family. Her Appa and Umma was passed away when she was very young. Daniel, he was the best brother that Yura ever had that has been taking care of and never complained or angered by her attitude that sometimes he worries Yura.
Yura walked slowly into the classroom. All of her friends who are chatting and fuss was suddenly silent and looked at her. With a sense of awkward, Yura stepped into the classroom with her head bowed. Senna suddenly came up to approached Yura.
“How are you? We were all very worried about you after yesterday incident.” said Senna
“ Oh, I've felt better. I'm sorry I've made you bother at me.” said Yura
“ That's great if you've felt better. Quickly seated, the teacher will come soon!” said Liam.
“ Thanks, guys!” said Yura smiled.
Yura was mistaken to think about her friends. They were really kind and considerate to her. Mainly, her two best friends. The first was Senna Xi, she was a Chinese-American descent who had been a school friend since she was in senior high school and the second was Liam Miyazaki, he is Japanese-French descent who last year moved there. Then, Yura Park. She was a Korean descent who lived only with her brother after her parents passed away 3 years ago.
Today, there was  a softball games for female students in the Crowd High School. Yura joined the competition even though her friends have banned her because of her weak physical condition. But she was stubborn and still follow the competition and undesirable things happened. At the middle of the game,Yura’s head felt dizzy and everything became dark.
“ Yura, are you okay?” said Senna
“ You are stubborn and finally, undesirable things happen!” said Daniel worried.
“ I'm so sorry, I just don’t want to look weak.” said Yura with her head bowed.
“ I don’t want to see you in pain continuesly.” Said Daniel
“ Never mind,Daniel. Let Yura rest.” Said Senna and then they left Yura’s room.
“ Yura, I just get a call from our cousin, Sojin, He say that our grandparents missed us. Do you want to go home on vacation this summer?” said Daniel.
“Of course. I also miss them. It   will be very nice if I can see them after we didn’t return after 3 years since the accident of our father and mother.” said Yura.
“ Don’t remember that incident again. They are happy there.” said Daniel kindly.
“You always say that, and it always makes me tougher. Thank you, Daniel.” said Yura smiled.
“Never mind. Immediately rest, so you don’t  hurt anymore.” said Daniel smiled.
“I will return to China this summer. My parents wanted me to visit my grandparents that I’ve never seen since I was born.” said Senna.
“ I also want to going back to Korea. My grandparents want to see me.” said Yura.
“ Well, it will be very nice there.Can you bring a gift for me? I want ttopokki.” said Senna excitedly.
“You two, busy talking about summer vacation. I wish I can go back to Japan but my parents prefer to go French again in this vacation.” said Liam sadly.
“Don’t be sad, just enjoy your vacation. D
efinitely will be nice too.” said Yura for entertained Liam.
“Hopefully, sometimes I feel bored in France but I'll try to enjoy it. Thanks guys!” said Liam smiled.
“Great, make sure we all go back to America with a happy feeling.” said Yura and then hugged her best friends.
The anticipated day arrives. All items are finished Yura packed and ready to leave and go to the airport. Together with Daniel, they both headed for the airport and prepared to take about 15 hours journey to Incheon Airport, South Korea. It was anxious to get there.
After a very long and tiring journey, they finally arrived at Incheon airport. When they entered the arrived gate, They saw their  cousin, Sojin that already picked them up.
“Sojin! How are you? Long time no see and I almost didn’t recognize you.” said Yura and then hugged Sojin.
“I also almost didn’t  recognize you if you didn’t take this nameplate. You're more handsome now.” said Daniel laughed.
“You haven’t change at all. I didn’t realize we hadn’t met for 3 years.” said Sojin.
“Sojin, who is he? Your friend?” said Yura pointing to the man next to Sojin.
“Ah, yes. I almost forget. He is my friend, Jo Youngmin.” said introduced his friend.  
“Hi, I'm Jo Youngmin.”said Youngmin and then Bowing his body like Korean custom.
“My name is Yura Park. Nice to meet you.” Said Yura smiled.
“I'm Yura’s older brother, Daniel Park. Nice to meet you too.” said Daniel.
“I also pleased to meet you guys.” said Youngmin with a smile and that smile made me fascinated.
It was great stamped Yura’s feet to Seoul again, where she was born and warmly  greeted by her family. It was nice to see their faces again that the last time Yura saw on her parent's funeral three years ago.
“How about your school in America?” asked Sojin.
“Good. I think I'll pass earlier than you.” said Yura laughed.
“No way. I’m 1 year ahead of you.” Sojin said smirked.
“Sojin, Jo Youngmin who's him?” asked me curiosly.
“Youngmin? He's my best friend. Why? Are you interested in him?” asked Sojin teased Yura.
“I don’t know.” answered Yura.
“He also asked about you. Perhaps he also attracted to you.” said Sojin laughed.
“Really? Ah! Don’t make me so shy.” Said Yura then softly hitted Sojin.
“I'm not kidding. What if it's true?” asked Sojin.
“I don’t know.” said Yura with shaked her head.
Today, Yura with Sojin and Youngmin went for a walk to the park. Very beautiful scenery. Then, They went to Myeongdong-gu, the center of fashion in Seoul. The atmosphere is very crowded. After being a long walk, they sat in a park while looking at the fountain show. Suddenly, Yura felt very dizzy and everything became dark.
“Yura, are you okay?” asked Sojin.
“Where is it?” asked Yura after revived from fainting.
“You were in the hospital right now. You suddenly fainted.” said Youngmin.
“I’m sorry, I have inconvenienced you.” said Yura sadly.
“No problem. We are most concerned about you.” said Youngmin.
“You wait here. I will see the doctor and Youngmin.” said Sojin.
“Okay.” said Yura.
“She has very weak physical condition. Her heartbeat also almost undetectable. Both kidneys are also very weak.” said the doctor.
“ How bad is that, doctor?” asked Sojin.
“Maybe, she already know about her condition, but she try to cover it up so as not to bother other people.” said the doctor.
“Her condition is not serious, right?” asked Youngmin.
“We don’t know, but it will be worse if it didn’t handled immediately.” said the doctor.
Sojin and Youngmin speechless after hore the actual condition of Yura. They don’t know that Yura’s disease that could killed her at any time. At home, Sojin told Yura to took a rest and told Daniel what had happened today.
“Hyung, I don’t know if the condition Yura was bad. Sorry, because I take a walk with her, so her condition become worse.
“It's okay. Yura is stubborn and she just want to look normal like everyone else. She doesn’t want others known if she actually sick.” said Daniel.
This morning, Yura walked alone into the garden near the house. Shee played swing while daydreaming severe her pain now. She just could bother other people because of her illness, but also not easy to cure her illness. Suddenly, from behind, someone holded her shoulder and made Yura surprised.
“ Yura, what are you doing here alone?” asked Youngmin.
“Ah, I just relaxing. I'm bored at home. Sojin is busy with Daniel.” answered Yura.
“Oh, do you feel better?” said Youngmin  then sat on the swing next to Yura.
“I've felt better. Thank you, You’ve helped me yesterday and I'm sorry for bothered you.” said Yura with her head bowed.
“No problem. I actually very anxious to see you fainted yesterday.” said Youngmin smiled.
“What are you doing here?” asked Yura.
“I... I.... I just walking and accidentally see you sitting here.” said Youngmin who looked nervous.
“So that's it.” said Yura smiled.
“Yura, I ... I ... want to tell you something.” said Youngmin suddenly.
“What is it?” said Yura curiously.
“I... I... like you ever since our  first meeting at the airport.” said Youngmin as he bowed shame. “Youngmin .... what do you mean?” asked Yura confused.
“I like you ....” said Youngmin smiled towards Yura.
Yura was very surprised to hore Youngmin confession that he liked Yura. Yura was very happy, the person that she liked also liked her. Yura looked at Youngmin and she nodded and smiled.
“Am I dreaming about what had happened? Well, it can’t be trusted” said Yura talking alone in her room.
“What are you doing? Smiled and talked alone like crazy person. There seems a happy news that I haven’t heard?” asked Daniel teased Yura.
“I know! Definitely Sojin tell you! Oh my God!” said Yura.
“It's okay. I agree if you're with Youngmin.” said Daniel smiled.
“Really? Do you agree? Thank you, Daniel ...” said Yura happily.
“I will be happy if you're happy.” said Daniel.
Suddenly, Yura felt very pain in ther kidney section. Apparently, the disease grows increasingly bitted her. Yura that was in pain immediately brought with Daniel and Sojin to the hospital. After received treatment, Daniel and Sojin then asked the doctor.
“Her condition is very weak. We should immediately conduct a kidney transplant operation.” said the doctor.
“Do the best for my sister.” asked Daniel.
“But, there are problems that haven’t resolved.” said the doctor.
“What is it?” asked Sojin.
“The kidney donors who haven’t already exist or if there even then may not be suitable, as well as a weak heart condition will be at risk during the operation.” explained the doctor.
“Please do your best to save my sister. Please!” appealed Daniel. “We will do our best.” said the doctor.
After met the doctor, Daniel and Sojin rushed to the infirmary to see Yura’s critical condition. In there, looked Youngmin had come to wait Yura.
Day after day passed, Yura’s conditions became worse. The suitable kidney donor didn’t came. When she waited more longer, her condition became worse. Daniel, Sojin, and Youngmin busy looked for a suitable kidney donor for Yura, but so far the result was nothing. Then, one day, Youngmin got a phone call if there was  a suitable kidney for Yura. With high speed, Youngmin sped his car toward the donor. However, something happened. Before he got where the donor was, Youngmin was hit by a car that also high speed from the opposite direction. Severe condition made Youngmin couldn’t survived much longer.
“Why are you like this?” asked Sojin when Youngmin arrived at hospital with pathetic condition.
“I ... I ... receive a suitable kidney donor for Yura.” answered Youngmin stammered.
“Why did you get like this just for my sister?” asked Daniel.
“Because I'm very like her, Hyung. Please, don’t tell Yura if I crash and I beg of you, if I can’t survive please donate my kindney for Yura if it is appropriate.” said Youngmin.
“What do you mean? You should be able to survive.” said Sojin.
“I’m sorry, I can’t. Hurry up! Please help Yura.” said Youngmin smiled and then breathed his last.
“Youngmin .... Youngmin ... Jo Youngmin ... wake up! You can’t go like this!” yelled Sojin.
Appropriated with Youngmin’s last request, that he would donate his kidney to Yura. After the check, it was a suitable kidney for Yura. Yura that still in critical condition, didn’t know Youngmin death and his sacrifice to cure her. With Yura’s critical condition and her heartbeat that more weaker, doctor did surgery immediately.
After the operation, the doctor came out from the surgery room with an expression that looked different. Daniel immediately went to the doctor to know the condition of his sister.
“How about the operation? Yura, she saved?” asked Daniel curiosly.
“I’m so sorry, we had tried our best, but she couldn’t survive.” said the doctor.
“What? No way, Youngmin has sacrificed for Yura and she should survive.” said Sojin.
“Actually, the operation went smoothly, but the Yura’s heartbeat unstable and increasingly weakened. So, she couldn’t survive.” explained the doctor.
“It's not possible.” said Daniel and the he entered the surgery room to know the condition of Yura.
Daniel speechless when he saw Yura had paled. He could only cry when he saw his only sister had now gone after Youngmin.
“Yura, why are you leaving me so soon? Why you can’t survive? Yura, do you know, the person who really love you, Jo Youngmin. He was willing to die to save your life and donate his kidney for you, but why you can’t survive? Do you want to follow with him and gone forever?” said Daniel to his sister that already passed away.
The funerals conducted jointly between Jo Youngmin and Yura Park. They were buried adjacent. All of family and friends of both of them farewell with tears. Senna and Liam was so bereft when considering their promise to return to school with a happy feeling. Daniel and Sojin lost their sister and their friends who were gone so quickly. They, Jo Youngmin and Yura Park went with a happy and will meet at the heaven’s door.
